School & Institutions Adventure

We travel but we are not tour operators or travel agents
We work with professionals but are not a consultancy firm
We train corporate managers but are not a training college
We share knowledge, teach and even learn from our school children but we are not a school

We can only conclude that we are an outdoor school and are able to incorporate elements of our culture, history, geography, sociology, travel, nature, eco tourism and the sciences in our tours, but of course all in a fun and adventurous way that is suitable for young students. All our programmes be they tourism related, training based or plain fun incorporate what is currently being taught to the school children in their classrooms.
Since we specialize in outdoor education we go that extra mile to ensure the comfort and safety of all our students and teachers. We at Adventura organizes extraordinary learning programmes for schools and colleges across India.

What makes us different from any other travel organization is the people behind the programme. All our instructors are dedicated qualified personnel who love traveling with a passion. We have trained professionals in all our respective fields. Hence all our journeys with children in India and across the world are journeys of passion and love filled with fun and adventure where we wish to share this world’s great wealth of the past and the immense possibilities of the future

Please contact our team from Adventura for a fun filled adventurous outing in the wilderness.